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Tender, nutritious and delicately flavoured – Courgettes or Zucchinis are one of nature’s most versatile fruits! Yes, that’s right Courgettes are in fact a fruit, but we treat them like a vegetable.

Here’s how we grow and harvest ours, plus a few tips to help you make the most out of this crowd favourite.


where do they grow?

Our courgettes are grown on our Chertsey farm in the South Island from January through to April making the most of the warm, dry summer days.

our process

how do we grow courgettes?

To make sure we deliver the best quality Courgettes – we follow these important steps:

  1. First, we begin by selecting the highest quality seed varieties. The things we look out for: straightness, length, colour (nice dark green) disease and pest resistance and most importantly they must be nice and tasty.
  2. Preparing the land is as important as selecting the best seed varieties. We take special care to look after soil structure and texture thus ensuring the best possible water and nutrient holding capacity – all essential nutrients for plant growth.
  3. All our delicious courgettes are hand harvested when they reach 15-20cm long to ensure we select the very best produce.
  4. As soon as they are harvested, we pack them directly into crates in the field and cool them immediately to lock in freshness.
  5. From there, we keep the temperature low and deliver them to supermarket shelves across the country. Some are packed in a convenient 3 pack in MAP (modified air packaging) – a special breathable film controlling the respiration rate which keeps them fresher and tastier for longer.
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Tender and delicately flavoured. One of natures most versatile fruits add it to your next pasta, salad and BBQ.

  • wb_sunny Jan – Apr
  • grass Chertsey
  • check Source of Vitamin C
  • check Source of Potassium

LeaderBrand runs its own independently verified food safety programme.

The programme incorporates internationally recognised standards of agricultural production, product safety, traceability and record-keeping.

Serving Size: 80g Avg Quantity per serve Avg Quantity per 100g
Energy  44.8 Kj 56.0 Kj
Protein 1.4 g 1.8 g
Fat, total 0.2 g 0.2 g
– saturated 0.0 g 0.1 g
Carbohydrate 0.5 g 0.6 g
– sugars 0.5 g 0.6 g
Dietary fibre 0.9 g 1.1 g
Sodium 0.0 mg 0.0 mg
Vitamin C 8.8 mg (22% RDI*) 11 mg
Potassium 296 mg 370 mg

Source: The Concise New Zealand Food Composition Tables, 14th Edition 2021

Quantities stated above are averages only.

*Recommended Daily Intake (NZ Adult)

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